22 Dec 1999
Copyright © 1999-2000 by S.A.Joyce. Edited
12 Mar 2006


Hugs are the perfect gift—always the right size, never out of style, and actually improve when returned!


Hugs come in many styles and intensities. They are a form of communication, and they say different things.

  • There are the warming, protective hugs we give to children, especially when they're having a bad day, to calm their fears, dry their tears, and make their faces (and our own) light up in a smile as bright as a sunbeam.
  • There are those smothering hugs we get from Grandma or Aunt Gertrude, which choke us with their way-too-heavy perfume, but nevertheless assure us that we are loved and treasured and part of a greater whole.
  • There are bear hugs, those bone-crushers that "real men" give because they're too embarrassed (not man enough?) to show a hint of anything that might be construed as genuine affection.
  • There are the quick, polite, shoulders-only hugs at work or school or friendly social outings, the kind that say "It's good to see you," "Good work," "Thank you," or "Congratulations!"
  • There are hugs that are just a little more than friendly, that say "I really like you," "I think you're cute," or "I'm so glad we've met."
  • There are sleazy squeezes, those adolescent learning experiences, more groping than embracing, more lustful than loving.
  • There are joyful hello hugs, more than just friendly but not intensely so, that say sincerely, "It's good to be home!"
  • There are tearful good-bye hugs, so hard to bear yet so hard to tear away from, that say, "I will miss you terribly!"
  • There are desperate, reassuring hugs in times of danger or loss, that say, "You are not alone," "I share your grief," or simply scream "Help!"
  • And of course, there is the leisurely but deeply caring embrace of a couple who have been together for so long that they have essentially grown together to form a single being in two bodies.

And then there's that other sort of hug.  You know the kind...

The kind that cannot be hurried.  The kind that starts tenderly enough, but magically takes on a life of its own, evolving in mood and growing in intensity as each partner responds to the other.  The kind that begins with a gentle touch, but is somehow magnetic, drawing you ever closer, until you are in full contact from cheek to knees.  The kind where you find you are no longer merely enfolded, but caressed by loving hands gliding smoothly, eagerly, tantalizingly over your back.  The kind that gets your pulse up and makes you short of breath.  The kind that not only warms you at the surface, but makes your flesh tingle and sets you ablaze within.  The kind that lasts, not for seconds, but for minutes, until the knees begin to buckle.  The kind that wordlessly says, "I am yours!"  The kind to die for.


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