22 Jun 01
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17 Mar 02
Gee Dubbya Bush

Compassionate Conservatism:
Liberty, justice, and a gold mine for wealthy white middle-aged male Christian conservatives; the shaft for everyone else.

Presidency for Dummies (The Wax)
(the edgy-kay-shin prezidint)
o' th'

(Yes, that's how he says it!)


A slightly slanted page in honor of our most thoroughly slanted, not to mention overstated and underqualified, petroleum-puppet leader,
duly elected by
the people of the United States.
the government of Florida!
Jeb Bush, Governor

Hail to the Thief!

"I'm basically a media creation. I've never done anything. I've worked for my dad. I worked in the oil business. But that's not the kind of profile you have to have to get elected to public office." — George W. Bush, 1989

for the minority President of the nation voted most likely to give the People's Republic of China real competition
for the title of World's Most Backward Nuke-You-Lure Superpower:


Is it beginning to sink in, that we've elected a jackass to our nation's highest office?

What does that say about US?

Hm... Maybe spending a little more on public education wouldn't be such a bad idea...

Major Objectives of the Bush Presidency

  • Defense: Develop and orbit a "Star Wars" system, to guard against strategic missile attacks by rogue entities with no strategic missile capacity.
  • Education: Close public schools, so poor families must send their children to private schools which may refuse to admit them, and which they can't afford anyway, even with vouchers.
  • Energy: Encourage future conservation of fossil fuels, by burning them all now as fast as we can.
  • Environment: In-Varmint? Wat's 'at? Kin we drill it? Hey, I got a pitcher o' me standin' next t' a tree!
  • Faith-Based Initiative: Funnel public funds for social programs to religious groups — including Christians, Jews, Confucians, Buddhists, Mormons, Muslims, Hindus, Scientologists, Unificationists, and Wiccans — and have faith that every cent of that public money will be spent for humanitarian purposes, not for promotion of sectarian ideas.
  • Family Values: You look after your own unruly brats, and the Secret Service will look after mine.
  • Foreign Affairs: Unilaterally abandon any treaty the administration finds inconvenient, thus lowering the level of American negotiating credibility to that of Iraq.
  • Health Care: Ensure healthy profits for HMOs, by allowing them to make medical decisions formerly made by doctors, and restricting patients' rights to sue for any harmful effects of those decisions.
  • Military: Reduce the chance of becoming involved in a war by slashing the combat ability of the armed forces.
  • Tax Relief: The wealthiest need the most relief; the middle-class will be happy with a little pocket change. Let the young, the old, the poor, and the sick go begging to the churches, synagogues, and temples (see Faith-Based Initiative).

We trust that all who campaigned and voted for Mr. Bush in elections 2000 and 2004 wholeheartedly support these objectives, and are prepared to accept the consequences.

"What consequences?"  Well, if they aren't obvious by now, that probably leads us back to the issue of good general edgy-kay-shin...

Photos of President George W. Bush by The Wax Net and Associated Press.