 05 Sep 04 
 05 Sep 04 

 What the fair and across-the-board 
 Bush Tax-Cut Plan 
 means to you and me, in 8 easy steps 

Step 1: Nice, family-friendly President praises hard-working Americans, and gives average families a whopping tax refund of about $400 - $600.
  • Wow, that's almost a month's rent / mortgage payment!
Step 2: At nice President's bidding, nice Congress obediently lops off the top tax bracket, giving corporate execs a "fair" tax cut equal to nearly three times their average employee's annual pay.
  • Across the board?  Yeah—if you're on the Board of Directors.
  • Sure, they deserve it!  Besides, accountants, lawyers, and politicians cost a bundle nowadays.
Step 3: Citing "competition," corporate execs take advantage of tax loopholes to "streamline" and "reposition."
  • "Competition" means your small business gets bought out or driven into bankruptcy.
  • "Streamlining" means your nice job with good pay and benefits disappears.
  • "Repositioning" means the execs move to the Bahamas, engineering and tech support move to India, and you find out where your old job disappeared to—probably Mexico or China.
Step 4: Good news!  Now that you're rid of that old job, you have a wonderful opportunity to undertake a new career—say, as a burger-flipper.
Step 5: Great news!  Nice President proposes reclassifying burger-flipping as a "manufacturing" job.
  • You're really cooking now!  Makes you feel so much better about working for minimum wage, right?
Step 6: Congratulations!  The drastic cut in your income means your taxes have been cut, too.  Promise fulfilled!
  • If you're someone who works for a living (or used to, before your job got "streamlined"), you can skip to Step 8.

Happy Labor Day!

Step 7: If you're an investor, you discover that no amount of investing will prompt sustained business growth, without a broad and affluent consumer market to sell into. And then it dawns on you that the consumer market is no longer as broad and affluent as it once was, thanks to unrestrained "competition," "streamlining," and "repositioning."  Yet thanks to staggering capital losses under the Bush administration, your taxes have likely fallen—along with your income.  Promise fulfilled!
  • The Plan giveth, and the Reality taketh away.

Happy Epiphany!

Step 8: Sorry, there's no step 8. That's just a little Bush-style Fuzzy Math, for the buckaroos who reflexively drool and cheer whenever they hear the magic words "tax cut," and fancy they're getting something for nothing.


 More about the Texas Chainsaw Presidency! 
Election 2004: Bush | Bush-Whacked | The Bush League | Faith-Based Initiatives | Fuzzy Math | War against Terror THE WORLD | What Bush's Tax Cuts Mean to You and Me | Reasons to Vote for G.W.Bush
George W. Bush said WHAT?